Becoming a Sponsor
The Northam Race Club can provide a unique opportunity to market and promote your business, products and services through a Sponsorship program exclusively tailored to your needs. Sponsorship packages are available for complete race days or individual races from as little as $250. Entertain your Clients, Employees, Friends and Family in comfort while enjoying the excitement and atmosphere of WA’s Premier Winter Provincial Racecourse. The Northam Race Club provides numerous hospitality options that will make your sponsorship experience all the more enjoyable.
Sponsorship Investment Benefits
Depending on the investment, sponsors enjoy the following benefits:
– Naming Rights to whole or part race meeting
– On-course advertising including signage
– Radio Advertising, Social Media Advertising
– Newspaper Advertising
– National Television Exposure
– Advert in the Yearly Race Club Promotional Booklet
– Advert in the Race book
– Marquee and Catering Package
Other Benefits
As Northam Race Club is a leading winter provincial club in Western Australia, race meetings are broadcast live throughout the nation via Sky Channel showcasing your business and products via race names and on-course signage to every TAB agency and also to private homes via pay TV.
Northam Race Club meetings are also broadcast live throughout the state via Racing Radio. Sponsors are mentioned several times by the race caller and race day announcer during pre-race interviews. The on-course announcer will continue to promote the Sponsor throughout the race day utilizing the on-course P.A. system.
Race meetings fields also appear in the West Australian Newspaper and TAB form acknowledging the Sponsor via race names. With almost 300,000 papers circulated midweek, Sponsors are sure to be noticed.
To find out more, call us on (08) 9622 7765 or email promotions@northamraceclub.com
Our Sponsors
The Northam Race Club would like to thank our valued sponsors for their continued support, allowing us to continue providing top class provincial racing to the Avon Valley for more than 160 years.

Stay Up To Date With The Latest Updates and Event Info
The Club hosts approximately 22 race meetings per year from May to December. The majority of race dates are held midweek on either Wednesday or Thursday. There are five feature weekend race meetings throughout the year that are abundant with on-course entertainment, fashions and of course some of WA’s best galloping action on the track.
Thank You To Our Partners